Nigeria Infrastructure PPP Delivery Framework
The Situation
In March 2016, the Nigeria Infrastructure PPP (NIPPP) Summit Group – a private sector consortium of multidisciplinary infrastructure advisors led by Africa PPP Advisory – was invited by the Ministry Budget and National Planning (MBNP) to develop and deliver a Pre-Summit workshop. This was in collaboration with the infrastructure Concession and Regulatory Commission (ICRC), and was part of the Federal Government’s efforts to kick-start the process of implementing the First Operational Plan of the Nigerian Integrated Infrastructure Masterplan. The summit was supported by the AfDB and attracted 103 invited participants from 18 Federal Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), and six (6) Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and International Development Partners (IDPs) to review and validate the PPP pipeline projects for four critical sectors; Power Transport, Health and Agriculture.
The Solution
A two day workshop was delivered, with day one hosting a number of capacity building sessions facilitated by 19 key resource people comprising of experts and ecosystem players drawn from Nigeria’s PPP community of Practice; and day two structured around a review of 51 current and candidate PPP projects in the four summit focus areas. The output of the exercise produced a validated and prioritised list of bankable PPP projects in Nigeria and highlighted the key constrains affecting the successful delivery of pipeline PPP projects, which the multi-disciplinary team of consultants reflected on in setting out key recommendations for improving Nigeria’s PPP Delivery Framework.
Our Assistance
In order to support the Ministry, we led a programme and developed sector-focused PPP roadmaps for the critical infrastructure sectors of Power, Transport, Agriculture and Health, as well as produced and validated a prioritised list of bankable PPP projects for these sectors in Nigeria. We also produced a series of project reviews and capacity development workshops for public sector MDAs, and produced a pre-summit workshop report with key recommendations for improving Nigeria’s PPP Delivery Framework.